A blast from the past:
Temple University Edition

We scoured Temple’s Special Collection Research Center for photographs of Main Campus from the past and matched them with images from the present. A lot has changed over the years, but, of course, some things are timelessly Temple.
Broad Street has always been bustling—both in 1925...

and 2018!

The view of Conwell Hall in 1925 looks so empty without Morgan Hall in the background!

Mitten Hall has always been a breathtaking building—it hasn’t changed much since 1931!

Every Temple student, whether in 1976 or today...

knows the
class rush!

In the 1970s, sitting outside the Student Center...

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was just as popular as it is today!

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Anderson Hall was so new in 1976—three-years-old, to be exact—that it wasn’t even on the sign yet.
Founder’s Garden now and in 1986—landscaping on point for decades and decades.

Who knew there was a payphone outside of
Ritter Hall
in 1986?