Temple Together in pictures

Last week, Temple welcomed more than 5,300 new Owls—including 4,000 residential students—as the Class of 2025 officially moved onto campus. The members of this year’s class are among the most academically strong and diverse in Temple’s history. More than 43% are students of color, marking a 3% increase over last year’s cohort.
Electricity filled the air as students unloaded cars, unpacked boxes and came together to kick off the beginning of the 2021 fall semester at a range of fun-filled programming, building friendships and learning about campus life and university resources along the way.
It was all part of the Temple Together experience.
Move-in day

With the help of families (and some furry friends, too), Move-in day was a resounding success for all!
Welcome, President Wingard!

During Move-in, President Wingard greeted students and their families as they arrived on campus, and they, in turn, got the chance to welcome our new Owl-in-Chief.


In keeping with tradition, students were led across campus and into Convocation by the Diamond Marching Band. Convocation is an official ceremony marking the beginning of an incoming student's academic journey.
President Wingard and Executive Vice President and Provost JoAnne A. Epps joined the students in the procession.
"You are in the best university in the best city in the country," President Wingard told the students. "And in four years when I talk to you at Commencement, you'll be Temple Made!"
President Wingard held up three fingers to emphasize the three factors that make Temple stand out:
1. Faculty and curriculum
2. Peer diversity
3. World-class facilities
"We are on this journey together," Epps told the Class of 2025. "We believe in you. We want you to succeed."
Those in attendance were treated to a spoken word poem from Kimmika Williams-Witherspoon, an associate professor of Urban Theater and Community Engagement at Temple. This poem was created specifically for Convocation.
Gandhi once challenged us
“to be the change we want to see in the world”
But we never
Unpacked that—
Had a chance to chat
About the toll it would take—
The tit for tat
where “that”
was at
& now,
It seems
& division
Further complicates
What that means.
Dreams of fidelity and fraternity
Have turned nightmare—
Brother against brother
Other against friend;
Neither willing to tend
to one another.
Or defend.
But here
Where we’re
Living example of community—
The diversity University
Where neighbors become friends,
Legacy and first gen’s,
Faculty and staff
For the greater narrative
Inquiry’s draft,
Discovery & the recovery
move humanity forward.
That’s what we do here!
Celebrate variety,
Where all our uniqueness
Is no, mere, salutation;
But rather, the firm foundation
Of all our individual and intellectual
One nation under God—
Valid, valued and affirmed!
Whether Asian, Pacific Islander---
Black Lives Matter
Christian, catholic, communist
Democratic, or Descendent-
First Nation Peoples;
Gen X; Gen Z; gay or straight,
Jews or Gentiles,
Kindred or foe kept in-kind—like would-be kin
Left-wing, or Latinx
Muslim, male-centric or Mexican;
Non-binary, non-conforming, non-traditional
Persons with disabilities;
Protestant; politicized Palestinian
To the Right-wing Republican—
We all have a right to be here.
Self-styled separatist, sexual orientation separate
Sowing seeds of solidarity
To be a bridge between the “set-apart”.
Trans-national, trans-racial, Trans—
United—not just
Victims taking back their victory over vile viciousness nor
White-Anglo Saxon protestant the only privileged currency here! Rather
Xenophobia no longer tolerated, allowed or ignored!
(We will not live our lives in fear!)
Yes we can expand our definitions of belonging
Zealots for humanity—zero sum gain!
Whatever our identities—
Intersectional and inter-sexual—
Ethnic origin,
Political leanings,
Racial markers,
Religious or spiritual dreamings--
Even to the non-believing,
From nation-hood to neighborhood—
Our investment
In humanity
Is what binds us
& reminds us
That we all belong here!
Gandhi once challenged us, to
“be the change we want to see in this world”
Well…buckle up…
Welcome to Temple
Because change starts here.
© 2021, Kimmika L. H. Williams-Witherspoon
The Temple cheerleaders closed the afternoon's event with an enthusiastic sendoff.

More than 300 student clubs and organizations set up tables and introduced themselves to students who are looking to get involved on campus. It's easy to find your fit at Temple.

TU Palooza

To cap off the first week's festivities, the Main Campus Program Board planned a fun carnival night. Students enjoyed free food, rides, games and more!